I wrote this post to celebrate Ella and Zoe's 4th Birthday, and two years later I feel the same way. So I thought I'd share it again -- until I have some time to catch up on my 'ohmygoodnesstheyaresixyearsoldnow' thoughts ....
So for now, Happy Happy Birthday to my two little pals that just keep making my life extra exciting, extra fun and always an adventure!! Your Daddy and I love you both very, very much.
Twinkle Toes . . .
. . . and a Clown's Round Nose,

You Make My Dreams Come True.
Big Girl Bikes,
Ballet Class

and Kites . . .

. . . My Life Shines More Brightly, Because of You Two.
Butterfly Wings and Fairy Rings.
Princesses . . .

. . . Kings, and Sweet Voices That Sing.
Picnics in the Grass.

Swings on the Swing.

Walks in the Woods . . .

. . . and Garden Green Beans.
Drawing and Writing,
Library Books.
Friendships ~ Family Time.

You're Even Good Cooks!!

Kittens . . .

. . . and Rainbows.

Giggles and Laughs.

Funny-Faced Girls,
With Hair that has Curls.

Catching Frogs.

Sand Castles on the Beach.

Corn Storms, Thunderstorms ~
Even Stinky Feet!
Looking at the Stars,
Learning Every Day.
My Heart is Singing -- Life is So Okay!!
I Look at You Two,

Your Light is Brighter than the Sun.

You Make Me Smile,

You Make EVERYTHING Extra Fun : )
You Open Each Door,
And Welcome Each Day --

You are FOUR Years Old! Wow!!
Happy, Happy Birthday!
And Many Many More!!!!
Love You Both So Much,