Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Happenings (edited with Gingerbread House Fun)

We got our Christmas card photo taken (downtown Minneapolis, outside of the courthouse), and got them in the mail (though I didn't keep good track of who I sent them to and it feels like I missed quite a few people):

The girls drew pictures and wrote letters to Santa:

They visited with Santa (he's the real one, Zoe asked and that's what he told her) ....

.... and they sat on his lap for pictures:

The girls also decorated a few gingerbread houses over the past few weeks.  They made a big one with Grama and Grampa and had so much fun, but the next day Zoe didn't feel well and didn't feel like even a taste any of the candy, frosting or gingerbread.  She did eat a popsicle though, but did not want her picture taken -- her red mustache and grumpy face were too funny to me not to photograph though, which of course made her face even more grumpy (and made me smile a lot) ....

Ella, however, was feeling good and was very eager to try some of the candy, and her focus and determination also made me smile a lot too ....

They also decorated mini-gingerbread houses with their kindergarten class, and Tom texted me these pics so I could enjoy the fun, even though I wasn't able to join them because I was teaching my kindergarten class at the time .... 

Tom also took care of wrapping most of our presents this year after I told him how stressed I was feeling trying to get everything done.  He also told me about a conversation he heard on Minnesota Public Radio that talked about how beautifully wrapped gifts can be a let-down once unwrapped, so he kept the wrapping of our gifts simple so no one would be disappointed.  Ha!  Love that he was helpful AND made me laugh : ) 

It always feels so good to cross things off the list AND have fun while doing them!!

Up next, The Christmas Tree.

1 comment:

Annie said...

He did a great job wrapping gifts, haha.

I received your card, love it. Thank you so much. I'm blessing to have you as my friend.


Happy New Years!!!!