Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Tree

This year our tree was up but not decorated for over a week, and Zoe and Ella were very eager to get it 'fancy'.  So while I was cleaning up after dinner one night they started sorting ornaments, which was very entertaining just to listen to.  They had a 'santa' pile, a 'skinny santa' pile, a 'reindeer ornament' pile, a 'pictures of us' pile, a 'broken things' pile and a 'something' pile (for those ornaments they couldn't find adjectives for), an 'old' pile (for ornaments they colored last year) and a 'make noise' pile.

Then they started to add the ornaments to the tree, filling it fully as high as they could reach ....

... and after getting a chair they added the rest of the ornaments to the upper part of the tree ....

The final result was pretty awesome.

I loved how they chose to group their ornaments and where they put them on the tree.  Each one was placed in a specific spot for a specific reason, like Buzzy the Bumble that Tom bought to help when they get shots -- they thought it should go close to Santa's pants:

Or their current picture with Santa should go towards the top of the tree:

Most interesting to me was how they grouped all the ornaments that were similar or the same, together in the same areas.  Like these paper-colored ornaments from last year:

Or their two angel ornaments:

Or their two Santa Bears along with a mini-Santa:

The same for their Little Ballerinas:

And their Raggedy Anns:

I was happy to see the silly monster face guy made an appearance again from last year ....

.... and so did the hand-drawn and colored with crayons rudolph:

But the ornament that made me laugh each time I saw it was this one:

Santa's Hat.  Which was supposed to be with his jacket and pants but instead was placed by itself, sticking straight out from a branch of the tree.  I just love it.

The little things really can make me very very happy : )


Annie said...

Aww, they are so cute. Ella and Zoe did a great job.

Happy New Year!!!

MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

That Santa hat is too funny! And I love a peek into their thought process as to what ornaments go together.

I let our girls decorate our tree, too. We were working at the same time, so I got maybe 1/3 of the ornaments on the upper half of the tree...but I left the 2/3 they hung on the bottom branches and in the back (!) of the tree.

I expected the girls to hang all the ornaments together on the low branches, but having them slip behind the tree was a surprise.

Oh, well...they had fun! :)

A belated Merry Christmas to you and your sweet girls! Hope you're all enjoying your break from school. And Happy New Year!

Mama Hen said...

Happy New Year my friend! This is a beautiful post! I love decorating the tree with my daughter. It is so wonderful! Beautiful tree! I wish you and your family a very Hapy New Year!

Mama Hen