Zoe and Ella had their last day of preschool (in the Ladybug Class) yesterday. How did this year speed by so quickly??
It was a great first year -- the girls had super teachers who were caring and nurturing, and they spent their Tuesday and Thursday mornings in a safe environment having a ton of fun.
They met a lot of new friends and learned more about what it means to be a friend and how to be a friend. They learned more about what it means to be a good student, how to listen when it's a listening time, how to wait your turn (especially with kids other than your twin sister), and how to share and work together (again, with someone other than your twin sister).
They created a lot of neat art work, they learned how to use their imaginations in all sorts of new ways, and they became curious about different things they hadn't experienced before.
The year was truly full of fun, and as a mom my hopes for my girls were met: Ella and Zoe loved when it was a school day and going to school, when it was pick-up time they looked forward to the next school day, and they were disappointed when it wasn't a school day. Pretty good start for only being four : )
*Last Day as Ladybugs 'Before School' Photo*
*With the flowers we planted for their teachers*

*Ella with her End of the Year Award*

*Zoe with her End of the Year Award*

*With Mrs. Lisa*

*Mrs. Barb*

*Heading home with their bags full of treats from the Pinata Party*

One other BIG thing Ella and Zoe learned while in preschool was what the word GOAL means. At their spring conference Mrs. Lisa shared her goal for both Ella and Zoe -- to participate more during music time; to sing the songs and do the motions along with singing.
And meet that goal they certainly did, and not only in the safety of their classroom. After dinner last night we went back to school for the graduation ceremony and ice-cream social, and my two little ladybugs sang their little hearts out in front of an audience of close to 100 adults and other kids. They did the motions, they smiled too, and they had fun while being part of the show : )
So that was the definition of a successful year in preschool for me! I loved watching their performance, even though my vision was blurry because of the tears in my eyes : )
*Getting Ready to Sing*

*Video Footage (of course!)*
It was a fun night, and we're glad we could share it with Grampa Lindy . . .

. . . and with Grama Dianne!!

We're excited for summer, but we're looking forward to next year in preschool too -- Butterfly Class watch out, here comes Ella and Zoe!!