Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Last night Tom and I were going to watch a movie.  As we were flipping channels a Memorial Day program on PBS caught our attention and we couldn't stop watching it.

I sat there, completely humbled and so grateful to all of the men and women in our United States Military and all of their families, who day in and day out do their jobs, keep us safe, and fight for our freedoms.

My life is so different than the life of a military wife and mom, but it is because of those families I have the life I live.

My friend Sadia, her husband Lucas and their five-year old daughters Jessica and Melody are one of those families I'm talking about.  Lucas is a US career soldier who is overseas right now and has been for many, many months.  He spends around 15 months at a time, about every other year, in deployment.  Sadia keeps it all together on the home front, for her girls, for herself and for her husband.  I can't even imagine.

So thank you Sadia, Melody, Jessica and Lucas; and thanks to all the other dads, moms, uncles, aunts, sisters, brothers, grandpas and grandmas who currently wear a uniform or have in the past --- for the huge and difficult sacrifices you all make for all of us.

'The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him." (GK Chesterton)


Grama Dianne said...

well written, Jeremy...we must stop and remember those who are serving and making sure our children and families are safe in the USA. So much we take for granted.

Sadia said...

Jeremi, you are too sweet. Our family's sacrifices are pretty minor, in the scheme of things. Some time ago, I was chatting with our waitress at IHOP, and learned that she 1) Lost her husband on 9/11, at the Pentagon 2) Is a mother of twins and 3) Was pregnant with a singleton when her husband passed away. That's real sacrifice.

I try to use Lucas' military service to point out the service and goodness of all who protect us. The military, yes, but also the police, medical personnel, and teachers.

Don't ever forget how much your family gives too.



Mama Hen said...

Wonderful post! The pictures are beautiful!

Mama Hen