Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Bell Museum ~

A few weekends ago we took the girls to the Bell Museum at the U of M.  It's a place Tom and I went to quite a bit when we were in college, and Tom has been excited about going there with Ella and Zoe since they were really little.

It's a very interesting museum and it's free on Sundays!

Despite the taxidermieded animals not showing up in photos very well, it was really neat seeing how the dioramas were created to look like the different animals' natural habitats (and gave our two artists many ideas once they got home), and it was really neat seeing what those animals look like up close:

Ella's favorite was the HUGE moose.  Zoe loved the little chipmunks but wouldn't stand still for a picture : )

I thought the greenhouse where you could become part of it was really neat:

Tom and the girls liked looking at different live animals up close and touching them, like this turtle ....

.... and the salamander ....

Zoe was into the hooves ....

.... and the life-size skeleton.

Ella was mesmerized by the snake (I know Grama Dianne doesn't want to hear that) ....

.... and the snake was mesmerized by Ella.

I'm not sure who had more fun, Tom or the little girls that remind me so much of him .....

But I do know, whatever we do together as a family, we have a lot of fun!!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Looks like fun - too funny with those hooves!

Grma. Dianne said...

a wonderful place to visit and you said FREE on Sundays???? and yes, I do NOT LIKE SNAKES.