.... and we hit the jackpot with EVERYTHING about Ella and Zoe's new school.
It's all SO good.
Mrs. Olson is already living up to the greatness we've heard about her (and school hasn't even started yet). Earlier this past week these arrived in the mail ....
.... two hand-written, individualized postcards (couldn't even read them out loud without getting choked up) ....
.... and at 'Meet the Teacher Night' she actually hooted with laughter when she read the note on the little treat we put together for her:
Ella and Zoe thought the play on words was SO funny and were sure Mrs. Olson would really like it, so her reaction put HUGE smiles on their faces : )
Seeing all of the teachers names written in chalk on the sidewalk outside the front door was so welcoming (and super cute too) .....

.... and after checking out their new classroom (love it), saying hi to their Friendship Connection program director (great guy, his daughter is in the girls' class too) and seeing the Friendship Connection space (which is very nice, they are not going to want to leave when I arrive to pick them up) there was some time to play on the playground before getting big hugs from Mrs. Olson (which of course I didn't get any pictures of).
After all that the girls rode their bikes in the school parade around the neighborhood, welcoming in the new school year (SUPER neat idea).
It was SOOOOO cool -- a police car and fire engine led the parade, followed by the school's band, and then the students and their families (Kindergarteners-6th graders) walking, biking, scootering, even unicycling -- while neighbors waved and cheered from their front yards. I've never been a part of anything like it, what a fun way to kick off the school year.
Getting ready for the parade to start, wearing royal and blue (the school colors), with Elise (who helped decorate their helmets) ~

Chatting with old pal Bella, before the parade started ~
Chatting with Bella some more .....
.... and still chatting with Bella ....
Then dinner at Snuffy's to cap off a great evening ~
Thursday morning the girls had their Kindergarten Orientation. The girls dropped off their school supplies and spent time in their classroom with Mrs. Olson and their classmates while Tom and I were with other parents and other school staff, getting all the information we needed. It was a great hour for ALL of us, and made all of us even more excited for school to start this coming up Wednesday.
Before we left the house, messenger bags full of school supplies and smiles on their sweet faces:
Before the program began:
Sitting with Mrs. Olson and their classmates, listening to Mr. Charest (their principal) welcome the new class of 2025!!
Dancing a 'School is Cool' dance at the end of their class time:
Mrs. Olson and the girls ~
We're looking forward to a great year in Kindergarten -- and are so thrilled to be part of such an amazing school community.
With Ella and Zoe's school stuff, it's all good : )