Swimming lessons are going, well, 'swimmingly' -- for Zoe ....
This past Monday was lesson #3, and for the first time both girls 'swam' on their own a short distance, wearing their float belts and using the noodles, and later in the lesson they swam only wearing their float belts. It was very exciting and quite the moment!!
I love how much trust the girls have in their wonderful teacher Alyssa .....
It also was pretty cute watching all four kids swim on their own -- they reminded me of little ducklings paddling along in the water : )
This past Wednesday was lesson #4 and I have to say I'm happily surprised at how quickly Zoe and Ella are getting comfortable in the water and learning all these new skills. They both jumped in twice and totally went underwater (wearing their float belts) and they each swam half the distance of the pool on their own, and back (again wearing their float belts). Each time they looked at me they had the BIGGEST smiles on their faces and my own face was sore by the end of class from my own big smiles -- it's going so well and I couldn't be more proud : )
And even though these next photos have nothing to do with swimming, the girls and I made a little cake the other day and it turned out so pretty I just had to share : )
I'm also so proud of the girls. Love to see pictures of them. Thei happy faces are priceless!!!!
The cake looks really yummy, good job.
Happy Saturday
That cake looks delicious! The pictures of your children are beautiful! Have a great weekend!
Mama Hen
That is so great that your girls trust the swim teacher. It is so important for lessons like swimming. That is super that they are thriving! have a great night!
Mama Hen
Wow! That looks like fun. My boys love the waddle pool and like playing "outside" the pool rather than in it right now:) I can't wait till they are grown up and are able to really swim! Great cake pictures. Looks perfect for a hot summer day:)
Wow... they are doing great with their swimming! I'm impressed. I wish I had signed Charlotte up for lessons, but it is hard with the two little ones tagging along.
Oh, and that cake looks delicious! YUM! Strawberries are the girls favorites around here!
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