I haven't had many dreams of my dad yet, the very few I've had were nice but vague. The other night I dreamt I was in some sort of an auditorium or church full of people. I was looking around and saw this older man smiling at me. He looked kind of familiar but I couldn't place him. His face then changed (not in a scary or eery way) and it was my dad, looking at me and smiling. He nodded his head as he smiled at me and I woke up.
Maybe it was 'just a dream' -- my own brain needing to give me something, maybe it was my dad finding a way to let me know everything is okay -- that he checks in on me/us even when I don't know it. I just know it made me feel good and sad.
I miss him so much, and so do a lot of other people. The other night I went in to check on the girls before I went to bed and found this drawing by Ella in her hand as she was sleeping (click on to make larger):
It made me smile and sad at the same time. Her kind of naked body drawings always crack me up, and she certainly got grampa's look right (a little hair on the sides of his head, not on the top, glasses, a big smile). Grampa's response of 'Thank You.' was just perfect too (he was always polite) -- but her last line is what really got me. 'I will never forget you'.
Grampa is missed.