Is there such a thing as too many accessories?
Ella and Zoe don't think so, and this photo was taken before they added a few necklaces, wrist, arm and ankle bracelets, rings and a couple of stickers to their ensemble.

*click photo to enlarge*
The neighborhood turkey is back.
Before ballet class a few weeks ago we saw him sitting on our neighbor's front step. This was right before elections and we joked he was knocking on doors trying to secure votes.

Later that afternoon he showed up on our back steps. I almost had a heart attack when I first saw him, but I think I would have voted for him -- he seemed just as good as a lot of the other turkeys that ran. I'm not sure, though, if he knows Thanksgiving is coming up soon.

We've been slowly doing some small home improvements around our house (in between fixing all the stuff that has been breaking down), and apparently the girls are getting into it too. They were both in the bathroom for a while and then excitedly called for Tom and me to come and see, as they put it, 'what's new in the bathroom'.

Yup, it's a long, skinny, hot pink balloon attached to the light switch -- and it totally cracked me up.
They've also been busy randomly adding *decorations* all over our house:
*please excuse the dirty chairs and sticker remnants*
I think they have a good eye for interior decorating : )
Both girls like writing notes. Ella showed this to me -- she called it a 'Love Note' and wrote all of our names (Jeremi, Ella, Tom and Zoe) along with three hearts. Then she gave it to her dad so he could bring it to work and think of us when he was lonely.
LOVE this sort of thing : )

And this little guy, this small grey rubber rat (a Halloween treat from preschool) --- has caused quite the ruckus at our house this past month.

Zoe loves her little rat, plays with him often, feeds him a bottle, tucks him in his little bed, etc., etc., The other day she couldn't find him and it was TRAUMATIC. And of course it was right before nap/quiet time. We looked and looked and looked, and when we tried not looking it was like the absolute worst thing in the world was happening to Zoe. We even found Ella's rat and tried to give that one to her but she didn't fall for it (Ella bit her rat's tail off so there's a difference in tail size) . Nap/quiet time wasn't quiet or relaxing and it was a long afternoon. Then out of the blue Ella remembered she put Zoe's rat in this tiny (empty) pumpkin bubble blower, and then put it in a drawer.

Peace was instantly restored to our home, and the rats now have a special place they *rest* when they're not being played with ........ when the girls remember to put them there.