Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010 ~ The Costumes and the Story Behind the Costumes

It was a good one, a really good one!!
Ella and Zoe dressed up as Cheetahs and were not only super cute but super fast.

They decided on their costumes this past fall when their dad bought them cheetah tennis shoes from the dollar store (which they didn't wear in these photos but did wear later on). We talked a few different times about costume choices and they both were adamant they wanted to be cheetahs. Grama Dianne helped make the skirts (love and appreciate her help so much), then I added the furry details, and of course the bows --- and we all loved how the costumes turned out. Then they started hearing how many of their friends were going to be princesses for Halloween, and they started doubting their cheetah choice.

The dilemma: We already had their cheetah costumes but now they wanted to be princesses. Zoe even told me we could put away their princess dresses for a few days so it would be extra special when they wore them for Halloween : )

But Daddy came to the rescue. He taught them a bunch of cheetah facts, pulled up photos online of real cheetahs in movement and he found an online site where we could all listen to the different noises that cheetahs actually make. Once again they were hooked, and were super excited to be cheetahs!!

We did a lot of Halloweening this past week --- more pictures later .......


Taylor said...

Adorable costumes!! Great job on making them. They both look so proud of their costumes too, Daddy must have done a great job!

Annie said...

I love it!!!! They look really cute. Hope they had a fun Halloween.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh gosh, everybody is a princess. Being a cheetah is WAY cooler. They looked adorable!

Grama Dianne said...

Every girl needs to know that they ARE a princess in real for Halloween they can pretend to be something else. At least that is what my father told me:)

MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

Now that's a smart daddy! I'll have to remember that little trick! And those costumes are precious. :) :)