We rang in 2009 celebrating with my sister and her family,
including a favorite big cousin --Elise.
After putting our Christmas tree out back we made special treats to hang on it for our backyard birds, and some lucky squirrels too.
We also spent time at our area nature center.
When the snow got too hard to make a snowman, we made a Happy Snow Face Man instead!
Ella and Zoe learned how to do the dishes.
I kid (would be nice though), but they did play a lot in the kitchen sink : )

We spent a lot of time 'cooking our way through the alphabet',
and had lots of fun eating our creations!
We celebrated St. Patrick's Day . . .
Ella held a millipede.

Zoe held a scorpion.

Zoe and Ella decorated their own Easter Eggs.
Ella and Zoe turned THREE . . .
. . . and we celebrated their 3rd Birthday with the coolest birthday cakes ever!

They also thought they were the funniest girls ever : )

We spent a lot of time outside, enjoying the beautiful weather.
The girls had their first FULL dentist appointment : )
We went to Minneapolis and admired 'The Cherry' . . .
. . . and we hung out in our backyard and admired the lilacs.
Zoe and Ella also befriended 'Henry the Toad', made him a special house
and took him all over our backyard.
Zoe and Ella had their last day of ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) . . .
. . . and brought flowers they planted as Thank You's for their teachers.
Ella started ballet class.
Zoe started ballet class.
Both girls spent a lot of time at Grampa and Grama's house in Buffalo.
Father's Day was full of hugs . . .

. . . and flying kites, too.
Zoe and Ella posed for pics taken by their Aunt Jayne.

They went to my family's cabin on Lake Washington, for the first time.
They went to the Como Conservatory with Grama Dianne.
And they also spent a lot time just hanging out with their Dad . . .
. . . and playing in our backyard . . .

Ella had her kidney surgery.

And both girls were relieved when they were together again.
Zoe and Ella got new pink hightops!!

We went to the beach A LOT!!!
Ella and Zoe went to the Wright County Fair (for the first time)
with their cousins Lauren, Connor and Brenna.
Ella walked a tightrope.
Zoe walked a tightrope.
And they practiced riding their bikes when their cousins Erin and Lauren came for a visit.
Zoe held a tiny baby kitty . . .
. . . so did Ella : )
And their newest favorite ride at Como Town was the Frog Hopper : )
Ella and Zoe went to their first drop-off birthday party,dressed as princesses.

Zoe gave Ella the 'A-Okay' after having a good post-op appointment for her kidneys.

Our two little 3 1/2 year olds started preschool . . .
. . . and they had a great first day : )

Zoe and Ella were also good mommies to their bears . . .

. . . and they made me a very happy Mommy
as we celebrated my 41st birthday!!

They were also still small enough to fit under the turtle shell . . .

. . . TOGETHER!!!!!

Zoe and Ella thought they were big-shots riding on the lawnmower with Grama.
They went to their first circus : )

They helped make a snowfamily with our MIDDLE OF OCTOBER snow!!
And they cheered on the Minnesota Twins!

For Halloween they dressed up as flowers in sweet costumes made by Grama Dianne . . .
. . . and got silly after trick-or-treating : )

We celebrated Thanksgiving in Buffalo, met Grampa and Grama's new puppy Annie,
and visited with Santa.

Ella sat on his lap . . .

. . . and Zoe did too.

We went spent more time at the Children's Museum (love that place) . . .

. . . and the girls painted their OWN faces!!
We also cheered on the Vikings (really -- we did and still are!!).

Ella and Zoe perfected their pretend play and took turns being the doctor and the patient.

They also spent a lot of time climbing up our back hill (and sliding down it),
thanks to the rope their Dad put up : )
Ella and Zoe really got into the holiday spirit this year, in many different ways . . .

. . . and they shared all their wishes and secrets with Santa, right before Christmas.

On New Year's Eve we had a sledding party with preschool pal, Maddie
(and her mom and brother) . . .
. . . and the girls rang out 2009 in style!!
Wow!! What a year ~ 2010, here we come!!!!
If you made it to the end, thank you -- I know that was a lot.
When I first thought of doing this post I was going to just do one photo for each month.
That was impossible : )