.... Ella and Zoe's first pet. They simply adore him.
They take good care of him too and are very loving
and caring.
They taught him how to swim, blow bubbles and
make fish faces (he was a quick learner).
They lug him around the house [or ask me to] so
he's part of the action and doesn't feel left out.
They decorate his bowl with jewelry and art, read
books and sing to him, tell him his food smells good
even though it doesn't, and won't talk about eating
fish sticks in front of him.
books and sing to him, tell him his food smells good
even though it doesn't, and won't talk about eating
fish sticks in front of him.
Zoe does tricks with him, like this one, where he
swims towards her open mouth so it looks like
she's going to swallow him .....
.... and Ella talks and sings to him all the time. She
even uses a tube at times to make sure he can hear
her really well ....
even uses a tube at times to make sure he can hear
her really well ....
They even share their moby with him at night to
help him sleep better, though both girls have pointed
out to me they've never really seen him even seem
like he's sleeping .....
help him sleep better, though both girls have pointed
out to me they've never really seen him even seem
like he's sleeping .....
again I also feel like I'm not sleeping very much,
either. We've had a great summer but it flew by
way too quickly. There are so many school-related
things I had planned on getting at to start the year
out on top of things, but somehow other priorities
always seemed to top my lists. Like getting my hair
done by Ella and Zoe:

Don't be jealous. : )
either. We've had a great summer but it flew by
way too quickly. There are so many school-related
things I had planned on getting at to start the year
out on top of things, but somehow other priorities
always seemed to top my lists. Like getting my hair
done by Ella and Zoe:
Don't be jealous. : )
We have a betta fish too :-) We've had him for 2.5 years now! His name is Josh the Mountain Junkie.
They sure did a number on your hair!
I love how much they're interacting with their new pet! The new 'do is great too!
I would really appreciate if you could bring the girls over every morning before school so they could do my hair. Stunning ;)
Like their pet. BTW, you looks amazing and the new do, speechless.
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