I published this post when the girls turned four, but in celebration of their HALF birthday I decided to post it again : ) I just love looking at the photos, and can't believe how much they've grown in the past 6 months ....... I am going to be such a mess when they turn five.
Twinkle Toes . . .
. . . and a Clown's Round Nose,

You Make My Dreams Come True.
Big Girl Bikes,
Ballet Class

and Kites . . .

. . . My Life Shines More Brightly, Because of You Two.
Butterfly Wings and Fairy Rings.
Princesses . . .

. . . Kings, and Sweet Voices That Sing.
Picnics in the Grass.

Swings on the Swing.

Walks in the Woods . . .

. . . and Garden Green Beans.
Drawing and Writing,
Library Books.
Friendships ~ Family Time.

You're Even Good Cooks!!

Kittens . . .

. . . and Rainbows.

Giggles and Laughs.

Funny-Faced Girls,
With Hair that has Curls.

Catching Frogs.

Sand Castles on the Beach.

Corn Storms, Thunderstorms ~
Even Stinky Feet!
Looking at the Stars,
Learning Every Day.
My Heart is Singing -- Life So Okay!!
I Look at You Two,

Your Light is Brighter than the Sun.

You Make Me Smile,

You Make EVERYTHING Extra Fun : )
You Open Each Door,
And Welcome Each Day --

You are FOUR Years Old! Wow!!
Happy, Happy Birthday!
And Many Many More!!!!
Love You Both So Much,
These pictures are fabulous! The bond between your girls is so special. I love seeing all the great things they are doing. You are a magnificent mom! Happy half birthday! The family picture is beautiful! have a great day!
Mama Hen
I love to see this post again!!!
Happy Half Birthday Ella and Zoe!!!
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