We went to my favorite apple orchard yesterday afternoon.
I love that place : )

Zoe told us this pumpkin looked like a bum,
so of course she was the model : )

We picked apples . . .

. . . and tasted them too!

Look at the face Ella made on her apple : )

This is the sign we saw after we picked (and ate) a few apples. Oooops!

After the girls had their faces painted,
we spent time at the petting zoo,

and the bales of hay.

The girls also went on the 'Cow Train' and it was one of the funniest things I have ever watched. Zoe and Ella had fun but I think they were in a bit of shock at how fast it went and how bumpy the ride was.

Such good times!!
So cute! Ella & Zoe are the cutest dressed girls! I love that you guys picked the apples and then saw the sign! Ha! Great pictures!!!!
Great pictures! I adore their hats! Looks like you had a great time.
I love the second picture, adorable!!!
Have a nice week.
PS: I missed my friends too. Thanks for be one of my greatest friend.
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